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How Can You Create a Successful YouTube Channel?

Digital marketing, especially visual content, is not only hard to crack, but it can also end up costing your paperhelp reviews business time and money if not done right. When you get down to implementing a video strategy, you have to be aware that video is not cheap. This is the reason why not many people have a regularly updated YouTube channel.

On the other hand, those who do get it right on YouTube are able to quickly grow their fan base and brand in a way no other type of content is able to achieve. With online content moving towards visual and with companies like Google, Facebook, and others pushing to have more video content reside on their platforms, it seems logical to get started creating videos on YouTube.

What Makes a YouTube Channel Successful?

There is no right or wrong way of creating videos. Since people have different tastes and preferences, some YouTubers have found success covering topics using mainstream methods while others have been successful using unique approaches.

I took time to review what and how five non-marketers are leveraging YouTube with remarkable success and what we can learn from their approaches.

Check out the full ultius cheating post where I discuss the topic in-depth. 

Some of the points I cover include:

#1. Cross-Promotion on Facebook and YouTube Video

#2. Complimenting a Video with a Long-form Blog Post

#3. Make Commenting a Part of the Content

#4. Maintain Graphical Consistency to Build Your Brand

#5. Use Humor to Communicate Complex Ideas

The Single Biggest Reason Why Your Startup Will Fail or Succeed

What makes one startup successful and another a failure? One would argue that different factors and circumstances come into play in such a scenario and that no single factor can be isolated that would make the difference between a success over another failure. However, the truth is, one factor stands high up among them all.

According to Bill Gross, Idealab, who founded the space and has helped tens of startups grow to success, successful startups that exit the incubation period and go on to become big businesses have one defining factor, everything else being equal.


While other factors such as the team/execution, idea, business model, or funding were also important, timing all of these is still key to being successful.

How to Access Timing

One way to know if your startups timing is right is whether consumers are really ready what you have to offer them. It is also important to be really honest about it based on the results of what you see. Whether you have something that you really love, it is equally important to get the timing right, otherwise it might end up being another failure story.

Most of the success stories, YouTube, Facebook, Google, and Uber, were all born out of great ideas, but more importantly, the at the right time. So if you have a great idea, think about the time first and everything else second.

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Areas of Practice