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Understand What Your Pet Feline Wants To Tell You

If you have a cat as a pet then you would know the various moods that your cat exhibits. Cats can be talkative or they can be quiet depending on their character and their breed. You get to know most about the state of your cat’s emotion by reading his/her body language.

If you have a cat to cater to your emotional needs, it is best if you acquire an emotional support animal letter for the cat, as you wouldn’t want the cat to be out of your sight and out of your home due to unfair housing rules put there by owners. 

Purring can signify contentedness, but it can also mean your cat is in pain, nervous, or is just trying to manipulate you into feeding him. Kelly Morgan, DVM, clinical instructor at the Chicago Center for Veterinary Medicine of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine in Chicago, likens it to smiling

The different types of meows

The cat meows can mean different things depending on the pitch of the sound. Those who just hear a simple meow aren't’ listening closely. As a pet parent, you should get attuned to the different pitched meows and know what your pet animal is trying to tell you. 

If your cat’s meow is low pitched then that means your cat is upset and definitely unhappy. The lower-pitched meows will always indicate that your cat doesn’t like something. You will hear him/her meow like this when traveling in a car or during bath time. If you want to keep your animal with you in your house you should know about an ESA letter for housing.

If, however, the meow is a high pitched one, then it assures that your pet is happy and in a good mood. The higher the pitch the happier s/he is. 

The purring of the cat

Cats purr often when they are happy or content with a situation. You may feel the vibrations from the purring vehicle s/he is on your lap. Take is the cat equivalent of the human smile. 

Purring can also be a way to indicate illness or agitation, so make sure to read the situation before picking up the cat or petting him/her. 

Get your cat checked up if s/he is silent for long periods of time

If your pet cat is known to be talkative, then it’s the norm for him/her to meow and purr on and off, throughout the day. However, if such a talkative cat falls silent, uncharacteristically then you should consider taking the cat to the vet and conducting a physical checkup. This can be due to an inflamed larynx or another condition. If you want to apply for an ESA letter you should have an ESA letter sample.

For quieter breeds such as Persian cats, rest assured because they don’t like to communicate verbally. 

Physical cues that every cat parent should know about

A happy or content cat

You will notice that the cat blinks his eyes slowly, with the eyes half open, almost as if your cat needs to sleep. The tail will also be relaxed and pointed upwards towards the tip. The ears won’t be pressed but pointed forwards mostly.

A curious or an excited cat

Cats are amazing at pretending to be hungrier than they are. They know they have you wrapped around their little paws; experience has taught them that. But where food is concerned, your devotion to indulging their wants is not in their favor. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than 50 percent of U.S. cats are obese or overweight; that’s over 47 million fat cats—and they’re not feeding themselves. If you do not have an ESA letter you can apply for an ESA letter online only if you have an emotional support animal letter sample.

An uneasy or anxious cat

A cat’s ears twitch when s/he is anxious. You will often find your cat hiding under things or staying out of sight. The cat’s eyes will be widened and the pupils dilated. Give your cat a bit of space and time during this time, and if the mood persists you should consider checking for any injuries and consulting a vet.

An aggressive cat

The first thing to notice on a cat that is on the offensive and seems almost ready to strike is the puffed fur on an arched body and along the standing tail. The ears won’t be pointy but flat against the head, backward. You may also hear loud purrs indicating aggression.

What is an ESA Letter?

An ESA letter is supported by an approved enthusiastic health master after a psychological evaluation of the individual applying for the ESA letter. The authority can be a clinical clinician, an approved master, a clinical promoter, or a clinical social worker.

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