
Elizabeth McGuire

Elizabeth R. McGuire

Contact Details

Elizabeth R. McGuire
58, Rue Du Château
Waco, TX
Work: +372 1234321


Requirements for the design of essays

1. If the theme of the essay is not a quotation, it is written paperhelp without quotation marks (if the theme is a quote, it is written in quotation marks).

The epigraph is written without quotation marks on the right side of the page. Below you write the name of the author of the lines used in the epigraph. If you want to specify the name of the work from which the epigraph is taken, then after the name of the author put a comma and in quotation marks in the same line indicate the name of the work.

3 In the middle of the line, after the epigraph (if there is one) or after the theme (if you decided not to use an epigraph) write the word Plan, put a dot.

4. Use Roman numerals (without dots or brackets) to indicate the plan, which has three parts:

  • I Introduction.
  • II Main part.
  • III Conclusion.

If the essay is expected to be long, both the introduction and the conclusion may be expanded in the plan. The main part is always expanded. It contains three or more points that are marked without brackets by Arabic numerals, followed by a period. Also may be expanded and the paragraphs of the main part (at least two subparagraphs), denoted by letters, after which put a bracket.

5. If we move the wording of parts, paragraphs or subparagraphs of the essay on the next line place under the designations (in Roman, Arabic numerals or letters) is left unoccupied.

6. After formulating any of the parts of the essay, put a period. The next part of the formulation is written with a capital letter. When formulating paragraphs of the main part, introduction, conclusion (without subparagraphs) punctuation marks are set in the same way. If the paragraphs have subparagraphs, after the formulation of the paragraph put a colon and write the wording of subparagraphs with a small letter, ending with a semicolon. After the formulation of the last subparagraph we put a point, and the wording of the next paragraph of the next part is written with a capital letter.

7. The parts, paragraphs of the essay enclosed in a short phrase should give us the most information. It will not be possible to write in the plan wording such as "S.Toraigyrov's poem 'Dry Tree'", "the image of Plyushkin", more like the theme of the essay, but not the paragraph of the plan. Here the wording should be different (more succinct), for example: "Toraygyrov's reflections on the frailty of existence in the poem "Dry Tree"", "The image of Plyushkin - a terrible caricature of the proprietor"

8. Formulating the plan, you can not use verbs in any form, the exception is the infinitive forms.

9. It is also better not to use interrogative sentences in the formulation of the plan.

10. When using a quotation plan, some formulations with quotations, quote write in quotation marks, and write the name of the author in parentheses, at the end of the quote.

11. Adhering to the plan, highlight paragraphs in the essay.

12. After the plan, write the essay with a capital letter and a red line.

13. If there are dates in the essay, write them in numerals: year and number in Arabic, century in Roman, other numerals in capital letters. If you write the century in Arabic numerals, it will not be considered a mistake and will not affect your grade, but it is better not to do so.

14. When writing citations, make use of the Russian language textbook, where the punctuation rules are written. Without quotation marks, and in the middle of the sheet write poetic quotations that retain the verse line.

15. Handwriting in the essay must be legible and neat.

Writing an essay on the exam allows teachers to create a reliable portrait of the applicant. Which will show the graduate's cultural and intellectual degree of development.

There is not much time available for writing a good essays websites on the exam, only four hours.

So it's best to set yourself a time limit of three hours and try to fit in this time (in the exam this will give you confidence in yourself and in the fact that four hours is quite enough for you).

How do you make the most of your essay time?

1) Try to think about and choose a topic in 25 to 30 minutes.
2) Work on a plan for 30-40 minutes.
3) Work on the draft for 1 hour 30-40 minutes. (Total work on the plan and draft is no more than 2 hours).
4) While rewriting the work on a rough draft, try to keep it to 1 hour.
5) Use the remaining time to check your essay. Be sure to follow this point, it is the key to your good grade.

In order to correctly and successfully choose a topic for yourself. You should think which of the proposed works you know best, on which of the proposed topics you can bring critical articles?

Areas of Practice